
Let us assume that we do not want the integer quantity but the exact real number. To this end, we need to call the solve function with the additional argument rounded = false


julia> nvm = NVModel(demand = Normal(50, 20), cost = 2, price = 7)
Data of the Newsvendor Model
 * Demand distribution: Normal{Float64}(μ=50.0, σ=20.0)
 * Unit cost: 2.00
 * Unit selling price: 7.00

julia> res_real = solve(nvm, rounded = false)
Results of maximizing expected profit
 * Optimal quantity: 61.32
 * Expected profit: 202.41
This is a consequence of
 * Cost of underage:  5.00
   ╚ + Price:               7.00
   ╚ - Cost:                2.00
 * Cost of overage:   2.00
   ╚ + Cost:                2.00
 * Critical fractile: 0.71
 * Rounded to nearest integer: false
Ordering the optimal quantity yields
 * Expected sales: 46.44 units
 * Expected lost sales: 3.56 units
 * Expected leftover: 14.88 units

This reveals a slighlty higher profit than with the standard (rounded up) integer result:

julia> q_opt(nvm)

julia> profit(res_real)

julia> profit(nvm)

rounded(res_real) applied to a result tells whether the integer result was looked for is.

julia> rounded(res_real)